The San Joaquin Tributaries is a Joint Powers Authority formed in 2012 around a common purpose to ensure long-term water supply reliability to its customers and community, to collaborate on scientific research to maintain the health of the ecosystems on the tributaries, to operate its systems efficiently and cost-effectively and to promote protection of its members’ historic water rights.
For decades, the communities in Alameda, Merced, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties, which comprise a significant portion of Northern California, have benefitted from the stability, resilience, and quality of the resources managed by SJTA members.
The residential, business and agricultural customers we serve have invested billions of dollars in the efficient, sustainable operations and infrastructure of our systems, including investing in scientific research and adaptive management to effectively protect the ecosystems within the Tuolumne and Stanislaus River watersheds.
To learn more about SJTA, read SJTA’s 5-Year Strategic Visioning Plan.
Andree Lee has over 18 years of professional experience performing and managing water resources projects. Her specialty is facilitating collaborative solutions to complex water management challenges among agencies and stakeholders. She has managed multi-million-dollar efforts to plan for water resilience in the face of climate change, growth, and regulatory changes. Her experience also includes leading regional and countywide supply planning efforts, securing water transfer options, and evaluating the feasibility of developing new water supply sources such as ocean desalination, recycled water, groundwater banking.
SJTA Executive Director, Andree Lee
Ms. Lee is deeply involved in statewide water-use efficiency planning and has provided strategic and technical guidance for water-use efficiency planning and regulatory compliance, demand forecasting, advanced metering infrastructure planning, water loss management, and water use efficiency program implementation. She has also supported her clients in securing grant and loan funding from federal and state sources. She also provides statewide water policy leadership as the Board Chairwoman of the Urban Water Institute.